Don’t Let Texas Execute an(other) Innocent Man!

Greg Abbott has been governor of Texas for less than two weeks but he’s already overseen two executions. On Jan. 20, the day before Abbott was sworn in as the 48th governor of Texas, retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens acknowledged evidence that proved “beyond a shadow of doubt” that Texas executed an innocent man in 1989. Carlos de Luna was convicted of the murder of Wanda Lopez, a convenience store clerk, during a 1983 robbery in Corpus Christi. Stevens referred to a book The Wrong Carlos by Columbia Law School professor James Liebman, saying that it had sufficiently demonstrated that “there is a Texas case in which they executed the wrong defendant and the person they executed did not in fact commit the crime for which he was punished.”

Share this excellent summation of Rodney’s case published in The New Abolitionist, presented in the context of Texas’ shameful disregard of innocence claims and its bloody record. Don’t let Rodney become another innocent person executed by our state! Get the facts and send a clemency letter to save Rodney’s life.

7 thoughts on “Don’t Let Texas Execute an(other) Innocent Man!

  1. Chandra Milling Hazen

    Free Rodney Reed!!!
    Test the evidence and see the truth. We all know who did it and it was not Rodney!!! I’ll keep praying for Justice!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Don’t Let Texas Execute an(other) Innocent Man! | oljimmyt

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