Category Archives: Protest

Gov. Abbott: Have a Heart! Stop the Execution of Rodney Reed!


Giant valentine delivered to Abbott asks “Have a Heart. Stop the Execution”

Supporters of death row prisoner Rodney Reed ask for clemency

February 14, Austin, Texas:  This Valentine’s Day, supporters of Texas death row prisoner Rodney Reed will deliver a valentine to Gov. Greg Abbott asking him to stop Rodney’s execution, scheduled for March 5, 2015. Members of the Austin community, including Rev. Tom VandeStadt, will deliver a giant valentine to the Governor’s Mansion at 1:00PM reading “Have a Heart. Stop the Execution”.

Supporters will ‘spread the love’ by surrounding the mansion with smaller valentines collected from Rodney’s friends around Texas, the US, and the world. Each one represents a plea for Gov. Abbott and the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to grant clemency to Rodney, stop the execution, and allow DNA testing of crucial crime scene items– including the murder weapon—for the first time. In an appeal directly to Gov. Abbott, Rodney’s mother, Sandra Reed, said, “We just want the DNA tested. We want the truth. That’s all we’re asking.”

Rodney Reed has been on Texas death row since 1998. He was convicted of the 1996 murder of Stacey Stites in Bastrop, TX. In the years since, evidence has been uncovered that points to Stacey’s fiancée, Jimmy Fennell, Jr. as the true killer. At the time of Stacey’s murder, Fennell was a police officer in Giddings. In 2008, after his transfer to the Georgetown Police Department, Fennell was sentenced to ten years in prison for “kidnapping and improper sexual contact with a person in custody” when he sexually assaulted a woman in his custody at gunpoint.

There is no DNA evidence linking Rodney to the murder besides semen inside Stacey’s body, evidence of the affair the two were having. Reed’s supporters are asking for the Texas courts to allow DNA testing of crucial items found at the crime scene, including the belt used to strangle Stacey. Although in police custody for the past 15 years, these pieces have never been tested. “Frankly, what we’re asking for is, I think, a pretty conservative thing,” says Bryce Benjet, Rodney’s attorney with The Innocence Project. “To do DNA testing of evidence before you execute someone.”

If conducted, these tests could very well prove Rodney’s innocence. New laws expanding access to DNA testing in Texas were passed 2011 and 2013, addressing the importance of both pre- and post-conviction DNA testing. Notable recent exonerations due to DNA testing include Michael Morton and Anthony Graves.

In 2013, Abbott, who was then Attorney General, supported a bill for pre-conviction DNA testing, saying, “Texans may disagree about the death penalty, but one thing all Texans can and should agree upon is that no innocent person should be executed in Texas.” Says Lily Hughes, Austin resident and National Director of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty, “We want Gov. Abbott to stand by those words. He should show compassion and make sure another innocent person isn’t executed in Texas. All the evidence must be heard and tested”

conversation hearts


Protest for Rodney Reed in Berlin

Supporters of Rodney Reed have organized a protest in Berlin! On Sunday, March 1, take a stand for Rodney at the US Embassy in Pariser Platz at 15:00. The German language announcement can be read in full here. As the organizers say:

No state has the right to kill people , not by the military, the police nor thedeath penalty! That is why we say : #dontshoot #wecantbreathe and do away with the death penalty !

A German translation of  Jordan Smith’s excellent article “Is Texas Getting Ready to Execute an Innocent Man?”  is available here  from Indymedia.

Organizing Conference Call to Join Rodney Activists across the World


Evidence Matters banner

Monday, January 26, 2015 at 7:00PM CST, Worldwide


Please JOIN US for a conference call to discuss national and international organizing strategies for supporters outside of the Austin area. We need everyone to come on board now to help with efforts to STOP the upcoming execution of Rodney Reed. He is scheduled to be executed in Texas on March 5th.

Recently the courts have denied Rodney’s request to have DNA testing done on the belt used to strangle Stacey and other evidence that has never been tested. Rodney, his family, and activists have been fighting for 17 years to win him justice.

Now we need everyone to join with us, raise their voice and stop this execution from going forward!

CALL in #1-712-432-0460

(Please email marlene at if you plan to be on the call, and indicate what state you are from and what organization you are affiliated with if any, thanks!)

We need all justice loving people to come on board!
Help spread the word by inviting your friends!


Gov. Greg Abbott welcomed by protests for Rodney Reed

On January 20, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott was sworn in as the 48th Governor of Texas. He inherited Rick Perry’s bloody legacy of 278 executions, with three executions scheduled for January. Amid the parade and free BBQ, Gov. Abbott was also greeted by supporters of Rodney Reed at 11:00 AM during the inauguration and again at 5:30 PM. The Texas Observer reports:

At the protest yesterday, supporters chanted and held signs that read “Governor Abbott don’t kill an innocent man” and “Drop the Date! Test the DNA,” while cars driving by blew their horns in support.

Supporters hold signs as Greg Abbott is sworn in as 48th governor of Texas Picture by Austin American Statesman

Supporters hold signs in the crowd as Greg Abbott is sworn in as 48th governor of Texas
Picture by Austin American Statesman

After Gov. Greg Abbott was sworn in as 48th governor of Texas, supporters rallied outside the capitol to demand justice

After the swearing in, supporters rallied outside the capitol to demand justice

Following the inauguration of Gov. Abbott

Following the inauguration of Gov. Abbott

Following the inauguration of Gov. Abbott

Outside the Capitol

Other local coverage can be found here:


Free Rodney Reed joins in MLK Day parades in Houston and Austin

Activists in both Houston and Austin joined the parade festivities celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, Jan. 19. We collected petition signatures and added some beautiful faces to our #Justice4Rodney Instagram pics. You can add your own solidarity photo by following #Justice4Rodney and tagging your picture! Honor the legacy of Dr. King by joining the fight for Rodney’s life!

Supporters march in the Martin Luther King, Jr. parade in Austin. January 2015

Supporters march in the Martin Luther King, Jr. parade in Austin. January 2015

MLK Day March in Austin, January 2015

MLK Day March in Austin, January 2015

Supporter holds a sign reading "Stop the Execution of Rodney Reed" in a crowd gathered around the Martin Luther King, Jr statue at the University of Texas at Austin. Picture by Hooman Hedayati

Supporter holds a sign reading “Stop the Execution of Rodney Reed” in a crowd gathered around the Martin Luther King, Jr statue at the University of Texas at Austin.
Photo by Hooman Hedayati

Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement truck in the Houston MLK Day parade. January 2015. Photo by Gloria Rubac

Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement truck in the Houston MLK Day parade. January 2015.
Photo by Gloria Rubac


Rodney Supporters join the Millions March Texas in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter

Supporters from Austin and Houston joined the Millions March Texas  demonstration on Saturday, Jan. 17 at the University of Texas at Austin. Hundreds of people rallied at the Martin Luther King, Jr. statue before marching to the Texas State Capitol, ending inside the capitol rotunda.

Click the link below for footage and an interview with supporter Judy Morgan.
‘Millions March Texas’ descends on Capitol–protest-police-brutality-at-state-capitol/21941983/

Supporters at #BlackLivesMatter march at UT Austin, Jan. 2015.  Photo by Jeff Zavala, Austin Indymedia

Supporters at #BlackLivesMatter march at UT Austin, Jan. 2015.
Photo by Jeff Zavala, Austin Indymedia

Supporter Judy Morgan at the #blacklivesmatter march in Austin, Jan. 2015 Photo by Elizabeth Brossa

Supporter Judy Morgan at the #blacklivesmatter march in Austin, Jan. 2015
Photo by Elizabeth Brossa